Vet Tips

The Vets at Veterinary Associates Animal Hospital are here to help! The vets address some of the dilemmas and questions that pet owners face.

Has your pet been skunked?
At dusk and dawn skunks forage for food. While these little critters are typically harmless, they can pack a powerful odor punch if startled. Luckily, most of the time the skunk spray will not have toxic effects.

If you need to de-skunking your dog, keep your dog outside after he’s been sprayed so he doesn’t carry the smell into your house. Check his eyes and if they’re irritated or red, immediately rinse them with cold water. Use rubber gloves to wash your dog immediately after he’s been sprayed.

Mix together:

  • 1 quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide
  • ¼ cup baking soda
  • 1 tsp liquid soap

Do not save this mixture or make it ahead of time, as it could explode if left in a bottle. If you don’t have all these ingredients on hand, use vinegar diluted with water.

  • Rub the mixture through your dog’s fur, but don’t leave it on him too long (peroxide can bleach his fur).
  • Rinse him thoroughly.
  • Next, wash your dog with a mild pet shampoo and rinse him thoroughly. By now, he should be de-skunked and smelling sweet.
  • If the dog rubbed some of the stink on you, you can rid your clothes of the smell by using regular laundry detergent mixed with a 1/2 cup baking soda.

    “Pet Friendly” Plants:

    • Common Name | Scientific name
    • African daisy | Arctotis stoechadifolia
    • African violet | Saintpaulia spp.
    • Alyssum | Allysum spp.
    • Bachelors buttons | Centaureaa cyanus
    • Begonia | Begonia spp.
    • Celosia | Celosia spp.
    • Common Snapdragon | Antirrhinum majus
    • Easter Daisy | Townsendia sevicea
    • Orchids | Barbrodia, Sophronitis, etc.
    • Peruvian lily, Brazilian lily | Alstroemeria spp.
    • Rose | Rosa spp.

    There are many plants that are toxic to dogs and cats. Some of the more common toxic plants are:

    • Tulips
    • Azalea
    • Bird of Paradise
    • Aloe
    • Begonias
    • Baby’s Breath
    • Amaryllis
    • Members of the Lilium genus, including Easter and stargazer lilies, can cause serious kidney problems if ingested by cats

    To learn more about toxic and non-toxic plants go to the ASPCA.

    ~Dr. Sharon Gwaltney-Brant, DVM, PhD, DABVT, DABT
    Vice President and Medical Director
    ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center

    Lions, Tigers, & Snakes – Oh My
    Watch out for snake bits! As snakes prepare to hibernate for the winter, your pet may find them in unusual places.

    Trick or Treat
    Use caution around Halloween. Candy can cause a belly ache for you and your pet. While chocolate is toxic to dogs and cats, candy wrappers can get stuck in your pet’s digestive tract. Keep the candy out of reach of wondering hands and paws.

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